Compare & Save!

On average, customers save $13 for every $50 order processed on Eatsapp. Fill in the details below to see how much you can save by implementing Eatsapp on your website.

What is your average order total? $30 $40 check $50 $70 $100
What is your average delivery distance? check 1Km 2km 3km 4km

Competition $32.50

How is this calculated?

Competition charges 35% of your order; therefore, 35% of $50.00 is $17.50 which leaves you with $32.50.

Eatsapp $45.50

How is this calculated?

Eatsapp charges you 3.95% which is equivalent to $2.50. We also charge $2.00 per/km for delivery which equates to $2.00. In summary, you pay us $2.50 + $2.00 and you get the rest: $45.50.

You save: $13.00

Choose your online ordering edition. Try it free for 14 days.

Questions? Contact us to speak with sales.


Install a web ordering system on your website, pay 3.95% commission per order.


AUD / location / month

Start Free Trial


  • Web ordering platform.
  • Free menu setup.
  • 24/7 Online Support.


Web ordering, apps, 3.95% commission per order, driver management solution + Premium Support.

*$68 (+ delivery fee)

AUD / location / month

Request Custom Quote


  • Web ordering platform.
  • Free menu setup.
  • 24/7 Premium Support.


  • Get your own branded iPhone & Android Apps.
  • Send unlimited Free push messages.
  • Free updates & Upgrades.


  • We do deliveries for you!
  • 600+ delivery drivers.
  • $5 base fee + $2.00 p/km.

FAQs about our pricing structure


How are drivers paid?

We pay drivers a base fee of $5 for each delivery. We calculate the distance between your store and delivery address and pay driver $2.00 per km. E.g: 2Km delivery = $9.00


Do you offer other services?

Yes, we can design your website for $499, design and print flyers (1,000) $89 & purchase Lenovo E8 tablet $149.


Can I cancel anytime?

Yes. With Eatsapp, you are not locked into any contract and you can cancel anytime by giving us a 2-week notice.